- characteristic curve
- характеристическая кривая, характеристика
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Characteristic curve — may refer to: In electronics, a representation of certain electrical characteristics of a device or component Semiconductor curve tracer, a device for displaying the above curve In photography, a plot of film density: see sensitometry In… … Wikipedia
characteristic curve — charakteristika statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. characteristic; characteristic curve; response vok. Charakteristik, f; charakteristische Kurve, f; Kennlinie, f rus. характеристика, f pranc. caractéristique, f; courbe… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
characteristic curve — būdingoji kreivė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. characteristic curve vok. charakteristische Kurve, f rus. характеристическая кривая, f pranc. courbe caractéristique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
characteristic curve family — charakteristikų šeima statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. characteristic curve family; characteristics family; family of characteristics vok. Kennfeld, n; Kennlinienfeld, n; Kennlinienschar, f rus. семейство характеристик, n pranc.… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
characteristic curve — noun (electronics) graph showing how a particular characteristic of a device varies with other parameters • Syn: ↑characterisic function • Topics: ↑electronics • Hypernyms: ↑graph, ↑graphical record … Useful english dictionary
characteristic curve — Photog. a graph used in sensitometry to show the relationship between exposure time and image density under constant developing conditions. Also called sensitometric curve. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium
Characteristic curve — Характеристическая кривая (светочувствительного материала), график зависимости оптических плотностей почернения от логарифмов экспозиций … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
characteristic curve — noun a graph showing the relationship between two variable but interdependent quantities … English new terms dictionary
speed characteristic curve — greičio charakteristika statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. speed characteristic curve; speed regulation characteristic vok. Drehzahlkennlinie, f rus. скоростная характеристика, f pranc. caractéristique de vitesse, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Characteristic — (from the Greek word for a property or attribute (= trait) of an entity) may refer to: In physics and engineering, any characteristic curve that shows the relationship between certain input and output parameters, for example: I V or current… … Wikipedia
receiver operating characteristic curve — a curve that plots sensitivity versus [1 − specificity (or false positive error rate)] to help determine the best cutoff point or points for demarcating dimensional data in diagnostic tests for disease, optimizing the balance between… … Medical dictionary